Sunday, May 13th is Mother’s Day. While we should celebrate our mothers and be thankful to them all year long, this is a special day set aside just for them. Some mothers get flowers; some get “breakfast” in bed prepared and served by their young children; some get taken out for a special lunch.

All the mothers I know appreciate these gestures. But, more than anything, they appreciate hearing from their children, not only on Mother’s Day, but on any day.
With today’s technology, we should not have any trouble staying in touch – we can call, text, email, video call, even visit in person. Oh wait, the last one is not technology-based – it is just old-fashioned. But, that is probably the most favorite of most mothers.

My mother and my mother-in-law both live in the central part of the United States, and I know I will not be able to see them on Mother’s Day. So, I want to take this opportunity to say, “Happy Mother’s Day, Nancy and Jane.”

One of my fondest memories of my mother involves my late-father, as well. Sunday was always church and family day. After Sunday School and church, we would come home for a sit-down Sunday dinner. After dinner, Mom and Dad would give us kids a respite from doing dishes, which was normally one of our chores. I remember Mom & Dad standing at the sink, shoulders touching, talking quietly, patting each other’s arm, at times holding hands. I could tell by looking that they loved each other. They were demonstrating what true love means – what being partners means. Thank you, Mom and Dad!

So, if you have a fond memory of your mother, share it with her this Mother’s Day. Tell her how much you appreciate her and what you have learned from her about being a good parent and spouse.

Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers! May your special day bring whatever you desire.