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So far Rajiv Kumar has created 89 blog entries.

Will Trump Tax Reform Changes Impact Your 2017 Taxes?

During the past few months, the news has inundated with the Trump tax reform and what it could mean for you. Taxes, in general, are confusing. Add the new laws, and your head is probably spinning. But nearly all of the clauses in the Trump tax reform bill are not effective until January 1, 2018, meaning they will [...]

Filing Your Tax Return – 2018 Tax Year

Filing Your Tax Return - 2018 Tax Year I know we are just coming out of the holiday season, and you probably don’t want to think about taxes already. After all, you have until April 16 to figure out what you are going to do to meet the April 17, 2018, deadline for filing your [...]

Trump Tax Plan Loophole

If you have questions about a Trump tax plan loophole, you should contact an experienced attorney from Sodowsky Law Firm. We can guide you through an array of IRS tax problems and help you understand your rights under the law. Call us today at (703) 436-1176 How the Trump Tax Plan Loophole May Impact You There has been a [...]

Get Organized: Create a Calendar of Financial Events

Many of us make resolutions as part of our New Year routine. We may resolve to exercise more, to lose weight, to get organized, to stop procrastinating. Well, I am going to discuss getting organized to make your tax life easier and, perhaps, a little less stressful. You can find any number of methods for [...]

How Will the Trump Tax Plan Affect You in 2018?

The Trump tax plan was signed into law on December 22, 2017. Depending on your circumstances, you might experience significant changes to your tax rates and deductions. However, at more than 500 pages of dense, technical language, most Americans cannot read and interpret the Trump tax plan. Thankfully, the tax lawyers at Sodowsky Law Firm are here [...]

‘Tis the Season for Giving: Tips About Last-Minute Charitable Giving

This is the time of year when families get together, exchange gifts, travel, celebrate the birth of Christ, shop, watch football, and generally eat more than they should, not necessarily in that order. Many financial advisors will tell you this is also the time of year when many people wreck their finances by overspending. And, [...]

Tax Deductible Donations: Tips About Last-Minute Charitable Giving

This is the time of year when families get together, exchange gifts, travel, celebrate the birth of Christ, shop, watch football, and generally eat more than they should, not necessarily in that order. Many financial advisors will tell you this is also the time of year when many people wreck their finances by overspending. And, [...]

What to Do in the Last Two Months of the Year?

Many of us had plans for all that we were going to accomplish in 2017. Here we are, already in November. In just few short weeks, we’ll be celebrating the upcoming new year, 2018. Where has 2017 gone? How are we going to get everything done? If we can’t get everything done, are there one [...]

Your Passport and IRS

Normally you wouldn’t think the IRS would have anything to do with your passport, since your passport is issued by the State Department. So what is the connection between IRS and your passport?     On December 4, 2015, former President Obama signed legislation into law giving IRS more leverage in the collection of seriously delinquent [...]

Update! Virginia Tax Amnesty

If you owe Virginia back taxes, watch your mail for a letter about the Tax Amnesty Program 2017. Earlier this year the Virginia General Assembly enacted provisions approving a tax amnesty program. The Virginia Department of Taxation just started sending letters to persons eligible to participate in this limited time program. The Program runs from September [...]

Good News! Tax Amnesty for Virginia Residents

Good News! Tax Amnesty for Virginia Residents If you owe Virginia back taxes, tune-in for the upcoming Tax Amnesty Program 2017. The Virginia General Assembly recently enacted provisions approving a tax amnesty program. However, the Virginia Department of Taxation has not yet announced the full details nor the relevant dates. Based upon the past two [...]

Howard Stern and the IRS Sued — Together? 

Howard Stern and the IRS Sued --- Together? This strange brew of co-defendants began when an IRS agent called into The Howard Stern Show but was put on hold by a producer. While on hold, the agent took a taxpayer’s call on a different line. That taxpayer was Judith Barrigas who ended up suing the [...]

Give Your Tax Records an Early Tune-Up

During the summer, you may not think about doing your taxes, but maybe you should. Some of the expenses you’ve paid over the past few months might qualify for money-saving tax credits or deductions come tax time. If you organize your tax records now, you’ll make tax filing easier and faster when you do them [...]

The Deadline for Claiming A Share of $760 Million Is Imminent!

The Deadline for Claiming A Share of $760 Million Is Imminent! The Internal Revenue Service is holding tax refunds totaling $760 million ready to be handed over to an estimated 918,600 taxpayers who did not file a federal income tax return for 2010. However, the window is quickly closing to claim this money, which is [...]

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